OKOndt GROUPТМ supported by the local Society for Nondestructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics and associated companies, like ULTRACON-SERVICE, PROMPRYLAD hosted annual exhibition and conference Nondestructive Testing 2019 on May 15-16, 2019. This traditional event has been attracting a lot of adherents every year, since 1993.
This May, the Conference gathered together the largest number of visitors for these last years. Over 150 local representatives of different industry fields, as well as from Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova–the scientists and manufacture specialists, NDT top managers and experts, both from public and private sectors get involved, namely:
PJSC Ukrzaliznytsia
JSC Lithuanian Railways
Estonian Railways Ltd
Ye.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS
ME Metropolitan
SE Antonov
SE Transgaz
PJSC Interpipe
PJSC Lemtrans
SE The Malyshev Factory
SE Ukrmetrteststandatr
SE Odessa Aircraft Plant
PJSC Azovstal
Atom Test, LLC
PJSC Rivneazot
Separate subdivision Atomremontservis
Besides the mentioned above, representatives of the other organizations and industries attended the event and got a lot of updated, interesting and useful information.
The purpose of the conference is to keep everyone concerned up-to-date with the new developments in the NDT field, show new methodological improvements, discuss cooperation in the process of development and design of new equipment, as well as establish business and commercial links.
The Conference Steering Committee Head, Mrs. Tetiana Lutsenko opened the event. She brought into focus the importance of maintaining the tradition of holding this event annually, since it is here that nondestructive testing experts get acquainted with the latest NDT models and interchange their insights.
Welcome speech was also taken by the Head of the local Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostics, D.Eng.Sc., professor Volodymyr Troitskyi.
Modern multifunctional ultrasonic and eddy current flaw detectors, hardness meters, UT thickness gauges, UT and ET transducers, mechanized rail/railroad wheelsets flaw detection complex – these and much more NDT equipment developed and produced by the enterprises of OKOndt GROUPТМ were showcased at the specialized exhibition and conference.
Tetiana Lutsenko held the presentation on the topic OKOndt GROUP™ of companies strategy development in terms of market globalization, where she illustrated international activity of the group of companies, measures taken to expand the business contacts network all around the globe. In particular, the participation of the OKOndt GROUPТМ in a number of the international exhibitions was noted such as ECNDT 2018 (Sweden), InnoTrans 2018 (Germany), ASNT 2018 (Texas, USA), Eurasia Rail 2019 (Turkey) and others. Moreover, the specialists in UT ans ET regularly hold the presentations and seminars in the USA, Brazil, Mexico, England, Singapore, Thailand, Italy, Poland, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other countries, both for potential customers and the trainings for those who already purchased the equipment made by our factory, for example,, UDS2-77, ETS2-77 rail testing systems. Among our clients worldwide (and the OKOndt GROUPТМ tapped into 48 countries with its high quality products till now) we can name such well-known companies as UIA, RODER PRAZISION (Germany), Royal airlines of Morocco, Regourd Aviation (France) and State Railroads of the Baltics and CIS countries. The NDT instruments were also supplied to Canada, Sweden, Georgia, India.
The Leading Technologist in UT, CES, Denys Galanenko presented to public the overview of the company’s latest ultrasonic flaw detectors Sonocon B\BL and UT channels for the NDT process automation during the plenary session.
The Head of the NDT technologies department, Mr. Volodymyr Mishchenko told about the experience of development of the new NDT equipment for rails.
In terms of conference four sections according to their field were organized:
- Railroad (railcars, locomotive department and rail track facility).
- Energy, Oil & Gas, and Chemical industries.
- Aircraft engineering and maintenance of the airships.
- Metallurgy and Machinery.
During the Railroad session (heads Lutsenko T. and Mishchenko V.) the reports on the NDT of railroad wheelset elements with consideration of proposed amendments to the PR NK V.2 (not approved) and their compliance with the RD for the wheelsets repairing; ultrasonic testing of welded joints of critical components and parts of railcars, the use of acoustic emission method for extending the service life of car trucks, a vibrodiagnostic method for monitoring bearings of axle box assemblies of railcar wheelsets. The use of mechanized and manual flaw detectors, as well as complex automated nondestructive testing of railcar wheelsets by ultrasonic, electromagnetic and eddy current methods was considered.
At the Energy, Oil & Gas and Chemical session (head Mr. D. Galanenko) were presented the TOFD-Man System and the report on ToFD method application for the welded joints testing, advantages of which you can read here. The TOFD-Man System. Besides, the attendees could learn about the Sonocon В (BL) flaw detector for the ultrasonic testing of assets in Energy and Oil& Gas fields.
A roundtable discussion on vital issues of nondestructive testing in these sectors expanded the attendees’ knowledge while increasing the visibility of those issues.
Aircraft engineering and maintenance of the airships section session (head Veriutin M.) was dedicated to:
- experience of automation of eddy current testing of the aircraft wheels using the SmartScan System;
- opportunities of aircraft plants equipping with the modern mobile diagnostics labs
- carrying out of the UT of the Boeing 737 -300, -400, -500 aircraft elements in-service
- testing technology of aircraft engines using the eddy current method of testing of the aircraft components with modern flaw detectors made by PROMPRYLAD LLC and increase its performance.
During the Metallurgy and Machinery session (head Svystun A.) the reports on the rollers testing in the process of their manufacturing by UT and ET methods on the example of the SNK В-35L System. Automation of magnetic particle inspection at production. The report on the automation of ultrasonic testing of railroad axles at their production using the AXLE-4 System in accordance with international standards was also discussed.
One of the conference traditions was carrying out of experience exchange seminar for the Personnel certification Bodies (PCB) in the field of NDT, Training and Evaluation Centers (head – Vitalii Radko). Over 50 specialists from the above mentioned bodies and other enterprises, especially those who are interested in certification of their personnel, participated in the seminar. During the seminar the attendees studied quite a vital question of the present – NDT GOST application for the certification of personnel – activity of which was terminated since January 2019. It is also actual for the local industry, since so far a huge number of machines, mechanisms and equipment are in operation the NDT of which was carried out for decades in accordance with the requirements of the mentioned GOSTs. When moving to the NDT application according to DSTU EN ISO series standards, based on the differences in their requirements from GOST (in particular, to the sensitivity of testing), the reproducibility of the testing results, which is the indice of the accuracy and quality of testing, is largely lost. The question provoked a lively discussion of the specialists, legitimate options were suggested for applying the mentioned GOST in the further work of the NDT personnel, organizations and enterprises certification. The seminar also reviewed the policies of the National Agency for Accreditation, currently used in the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies. The participants shared the experience of various systems for determining the qualifications of specialists in voluntary certification, aviation, railroad transport, shipbuilding, nuclear energy. All the attendees were given certificates of participation in the seminar.
In the course of the mentioned sessions, the attendees reviewed the relevant issues of nondestructive testing, shared the problems and tasks that they face, and discussed ways of solving.
The Conference day coincided with the birthday of Mr. Andrii Ivashchenko, the representative of UKRMETRTESTSTANDART. Everyone joined the congratulations and wishes of health and keeping high-level productivity.
The organizers of the exhibition and conference Nondestructive Testing 2019 sincerely thank everyone who participated in the event.
Making sure that this kind of event shall take place on a regular basis, let us inform all colleagues working in the NDT field, that the next exhibition and conference Nondestructive Testing 2020 is to be held! OKOndt GROUP will meet with pleasure the veterans next May, and hope to greet freshmen, young and self-motivated NDT specialists.