TOFD Equipment

Ultrasonic weld testing equipment TOFD Man

For over the past 30 years Time-Of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique of the UT method of NDT has been developed swiftly and has become an irreplaceable one when carrying out welded joints testing. TOFD assures a great accuracy for comfortable measuring the critical size of defects. The accuracy of better than ±1mm can be obtained in a wide range of material thickness.

Wireless system for ultrasonic testing of welded joints - TOFD 2.2 PRO

For several decades TOFD method has been widely used for fast and reliable UT of welded joints. TOFD offers great accuracy for measuring the critical size of crack-like-defects. The accuracy of better than ±1mm can be obtained in a wide range of material thickness.

About OKOndt GROUP

OKOndt GROUP represents a group of companies with more than 30 years of experience in research, development and production of non-destructive testing products for industrial customers around the world. The group's production companies are "Ultracon-Service" LLC and "Promprylad" LLC.

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